warrior’s heart

Posted on in erotica, poetry, romance

i think of you:

your warrior’s heart
its toughened blister
-but not for me
-not ever for me

has served you well:

keeper of your flame
it’s kept your secrets
kept your seasoned wit
kept your quiet expectations
kept your easy wisdom

kept you for me
everything for me
all of you for me
always for me
forever for me

just waiting for me:

to untether its strings
puncture its wound
untangle its weave

and I am here:

so that we shall fold
this rare metal
this precious metal
this noble metal
this keeper of your heart
this weathered chain mail

and keep it safe
as it has kept you

7 Responses to “warrior’s heart”

  1. WOW…I am speechless…a first for me.

  2. Again I ask, why aren’t you published? Your poetry is like classical music for the brain. Anything you write takes me into another space. Your poetry takes me to another world.

  3. I ask myself the very same question with every reading of ASL’s works!

  4. That was lovely–

    thank you.


  5. You evoke such strong, even reverent, images in your poetry. The dirty stuff is fun (and gives me the proverbial “woody” more than I’d like to admit), but it is the rhymes, your heartsounds, that cause me to pause, ponder, soar and fall in love with the English language over and over again. Love, David

  6. Wow! I need to hear this, guys, ‘cuz –quite honestly– I don’t think I write so well. Although I love doing it…so I do it. And do it. And do it. Thanks so very much from the bottom of my heart.

  7. The bottom of your heart must be an amazing place…

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